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Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz

Chair of Environmental GovernanceHeiner Schanz

Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg

Telephone: +49 761 203 8502
Telefax: +49 761 203 3729

Consultation hours: Based on appointments


Teaching  |  Research   |   Publications   |   Supervised dissertations


Curriculum Vitae


Heiner studied Forest Sciences at the University of Freiburg and received his doctorate from the University of Freiburg with a thesis on the concept of sustainability from a social science perspective.

After being appointed Assistant Professor (C1) at the Institute for Forest Economics at the University of Freiburg in 1996, he was appointed Full Professor and head of Chair for Forest and Nature Conservation Policy in 1999 at the University of Wageningen / NL. In 2004 he was appointed as Full Professor and head of Chair for Forest and Timber Markets at the University of Freiburg. In 2005 he initiated he international MSc program in Environmental Governance and served as its founding director.

From 2008 to 2014 he served as a full-time Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Freiburg and initiated, among other things, the University College Freiburg.

Since 2014 he is Full Professor in Environmental Governance at the University of Freiburg. Since 2019 he is also Dean of the Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg, as well as elected member of the Senate of the University of Freiburg.

He has extensive international research and teaching experience and regularly participates in HE accreditation and quality assurance procedures in Germany and abroad.





Undergraduate level

  • "Governance von Umwelt und natürlichen Ressourcen" (5 ECTS-Pflichtmodul im BSc Umweltnaturwissenschaften / BSc Waldwissenschaften, zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Michael Pregernig)


Graduate level

  • "Sustainability and Governance" (5 ECTS-Core Modulel MSc Environmental Governance, together with Prof. Dr. Michael Pregernig)
  • "System Thinking, Planning and Transitions" (5 ECTS-Core Module MSc Environmental Governance)
  • "Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung, Schwerpunkt Ländliche Räume" (5 ECTS-Pflichtmodul im MSc Umweltwissenschaften/Environmental Sciences, Profillinie Landnutzung und Naturschutz
  •  "Einführungsseminar Nachhaltigkeit" (im Modul "Biodiversität und Nachhaltigkeit" Master of Education  Fach Biologie)


Contribution to Moduls:




Since completing his doctorate, Heiner has been researching from an interdisciplinary perspective on questions of governance of natural resources and the sustainability management of public and private organizations, including on phenomena like agency, reflexivity, decision making and strategic planning.

His current research interest is the understanding and management of social tipping points in human-environment systems in the context of normative objectives of sustainable development, from the level of companies to municipalities and regions to economic sectors.

For ongoing research projects: see overview.




Most recent:

  • Mager, E., Iurato, C., & Schanz, H. (2023). Depicting wood-based sectors to inform policymaking: A structural modeling approach centering on networks of markets. Forest Policy and Economics, 157, 103078. doi:
  • Iurato, C., & Schanz, H. (2023). Systemic power relations of industry associations as an indicator of innovation potentials in market fields – An illustrative case. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 100779. doi:
  • Ritter, M., Volkmer, V., & Schanz, H. (2023). Mobility transition or just another business? Temporal and spatial analysis of the diffusion of station-based carsharing services in five German municipalities. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning. doi:10.14512/rur.219



  • Frank, L., & Schanz, H. (2022). Three perspectives on regime destabilisation governance: A metatheoretical analysis of German pesticide policy. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 44, 245-264. doi:
  • Schanz, H. (2022). Alles richtig gemacht, nichts bewirkt - eine kurze Anleitung zum Nichtnachhaltigsein. OrganisationsEntwicklung - Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management, 22(3), 31-37.
  • Gothár, E., & Schanz, H. (2022). Bringing a governance perspective to plastic litter: A structural analysis of the German PET industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 630-641. doi:
  • Wilczynski, M., & Schanz, H. (2021). The role of market perceptions in bridging the innovation gap of bio-based markets: The example of Biomass-to-Liquid in Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production, 125926. doi:
  • Sipple, D., & Schanz, H. (2021). Leverage points of local economies. Business closures in local artisan food production from a system perspective. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning. doi:
  • Schanz, H. (2021). 50 Shades of Green - oder warum Fakten verhandelbar bleiben müssen. OrganisationsEntwicklung - Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management, 21(1), 39-42.
  • Schanz, H.; Pregernig, M.; Baldy, J.; Sipple, D.; Kruse, S. (Hrsg.) (2020): Kommunen gestalten Ernährung – Neue Handlungsfelder nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung. DStGB Dokumentation, 2020, Nr. 153. Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund, Berlin. | Download
  • Schanz, H., Federer, J., & Wilczynski, M. (2019). Markets as leverage points for transformations of economic systems: The example of the German bioeconomy. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Online first doi:
  • López Hernández, V., & Schanz, H. (2019). Agency in actor networks: Who is governing transitions towards a bioeconomy? The case of Colombia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 728-742. doi:
  • Sipple, D., & Schanz, H. (2019). Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung über kommunale Ernährungssysteme: Marktakteursnetzwerke als Ansatzpunkte zur Gestaltung und Steuerung [Sustainable urban development via municipial food systems: Market-Actor-Networks as leverage points for design and management]. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 63(1) forthcoming
  • Ritter, M., & Schanz, H. (2019). The sharing economy: A comprehensive business model framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 320-331. doi:
  • Niciforel, L.; Schanz, H. (2011): Property rights distribution and entrepreneurial rent-seeking in Romanian forestry: a perspective of private forest owners. In: European Journal of Forest Research, 130 (2011): 369 – 381
  • Hoogstra, M.A.; Schanz, H. (2008): The Future-Orientation of Foresters: an Exploratory Research among Dutch Foresters into the Pre-requisite for Strategic Planning in Forest Management. In: Forest Policy and Economics, 10(2008): 220-229
  • Yasmi, Y.; Schanz, H., Salim, A. (2006): Manifestation of Conflict Escalation in Natural Resource Management. In: Environmental Science and Policy, 9(2006): 538-546
  • Pokorny, B.; Schanz, H. (2003): Empirical determination of political cultures as basis for effective coordination of forest management systems. In: Society and Natural Resources, 16(10): 867-908
  • Schanz, H. (1996): 'Nachhaltige' Forstwirtschaft als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Normen- und Wertesysteme [‚Sustainable‘ forestry as an expression of norm and value systems in society]. In: Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 167 (12): 238-243, in German with English and French summaries


For a complete list of publications: click here.


Supervised Dissertations (only as first supervisor and promoter)


  • Dr. Marzena Wilczynski (2023): Market configurations in emergent value chains of the bioeconomy (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz, Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. D. Kleinschmit / Universität Freiburg)
  • Dr. Sipple, David (2022): Markets as a key to a sustainable development of municipal food systems (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. M. Penker / BOKU Wien)
  • Dr. habil. Ruppert-Winkel, Chantal (2020): Regional sustainability transitions – Evolution and yynamics in praxis and theory. Habilitation (Mentor and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-Mentor: Prof. Dr. G. Oesten / Universität Freiburg)
  • Dr. Hoogstra, Marjanke A. (2008): Coping with the long term. An empirical analysis of time perspectives, time orientations, and temporal uncertainty in forestry. (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Arts / Wageningen University)
  • Dr. Verbij, Evelien (2008): Inter-sectoral coordination in forest policy. A frame analysis of forest sectorization processes in Austria and the Netherlands. (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Arts / Wageningen University)
  • Dr. Brodrechtova, Yvonne (2008): Export marketing strategy and its shaping factors in the context of transition. Theoretical perspectives and empirical testing in the forest products industries of Slovakia. (Promoter and First supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Becker; Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. G. Oesten / Universität Freiburg)
  • Dr. Yasmi, Yurdi (2007): Institutionalization of conflict capability in the management of natural resources. Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence in Indonesia. (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Arts / Wageningen University)
  • Dr. Marfo, Emmanuel (2006): Powerful relations – The role of actor-empowerment in the management of natural resources. A case of forest conflicts in Ghana. (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Arts / Wageningen University)
  • Dr. Egestad, Peter Stenz (2002): Trustful relations - The role of trust in building institutions for sustainable forest management. (Promoter and supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Schanz; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. M. Korthals / Wageningen University)