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New publication: Leverage points of local economies

25.01.2021 - A new article by David Sipple and Heiner Schanz has been published in the Journal of Spatial Research and Planning. It aims to identify leverage points for governance interventions, through which local authorities can support the branches of the (small-scale) local economy.
New publication: Leverage points of local economies

(Image by Pexels from Pixabay)

Although the diversity of local economies is critical to sustainability transformations at the municipal level, their existence is threatened by market concentration and franchising processes. This study seeks to address the problem by analyzing the causes of closures of small scale businesses in the case study of bakeries and butcheries in two medium-sized towns in Southern Germany. Using the lens of systemic perspective in the form of causal loop diagrams, this article identifies leverage points for governance interventions that can be used to strengthen the local economy. This shows that it is possible to implement context-sensitive, targeted interventions at the municipal level that can support the diversity of local economies for a sustainable transformation.


Sipple, D. & Schanz, H. (2021): Hebelpunkte lokaler Ökonomien. Der Betrieberückgang im lokalen Lebensmittelhandwerk aus systemischer Perspektive. Raumforschung Und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning.