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Prof. Dr. Michael Pregernig

Prof.Dr. Pregernig, Michael

Chair of Sustainability Governance

Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg

Telefon: 0761 203 3708
Telefax: 0761 203 3729


Office hours: Monday, 10.00-12.00; Thursday, 14.00-16.00 and by arrangement




Research Interests  |   Publications   |   Courses Taught  |   PhD Supervision   |   Curriculum Vitae


Research Interests


Michael Pregernig's research is at the nexus of sustainability, science and society. In conceptual and methodological terms, he draws and strives to integrate approaches from Sustainability Science and Science & Technology Studies (STS). His current research foci are in the following areas:

  • analysis and evaluation of instruments and processes of sustainability governance with a special focus on questions of effectiveness and legitimacy
  • the role of science and expertise in environmental and natural resource policy with a special focus on the inherent tensions between effective scientific policy advice (‘evidence-based policy-making’) and democratic inclusivity
  • causes, manifestation, and resolution of political conflicts around the distribution and use of natural resources before the background of societal change and the pluralisation of values
  • possibilities and limits of inter- and transdisciplinarity in research and teaching


  • DFG Research Training Group Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-Use Landscapes of Central Europe (ConFoBi) – Sub-project: Professional epistemologies and integration of biodiversity-related knowledge into socio-political decision-making (2016-2025)
  • MIASA Interdisciplinary Fellow Group: The governance of energy transitions in the Global South (09-12.2020)
  • Food Systems of Municipalities as Key To Integrative Sustainability Governance (KERNiG) – Sub-project: Knowledge Integration (2016-2019)
  • Environmental Policy in the 21st Century: Approaches to tackle new challenges (2015-2019)
  • Flood protection policies and climate change adaptation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (Flood-Adapt) (2015-2019)
  • Zukunftsstadt Freiburg (2030) (2015-2018)
  • FRIAS project group: Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental conflict and related migration (2017-2018)
  • Knowledge Dialogue Northern Black Forest – a Real-world Laboratory Project (WiNo) – Sub-project: Local Knowledge (2015-2017)
  • Knowledge Dialogue Northern Black Forest – a Real-world Laboratory Project (WiNo) – Sub-project: Transdisciplinary Approaches (2015-2017)
  • Integrating Valuations, Markets and Policies for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (INVALUABLE) (2012-2014)
  • Reshaping Science-Policy Interactions in Climate Policy (ReSciPI) (2011-2013)


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Publications (Selection)   [ORCID]   [ResearchGate]   [GoogleScholar]

  • Späth, Philipp; Castán Broto, Vanesa; Bawakyillenuo, Simon & Pregernig, Michael (2022): The governance of energy transitions in Africa: a sketch of plural perspectives. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 12/51. DOI: 10.1186/s13705-022-00380-2

  • Monetti, Silvia; Pregernig, Michael; Speck, Melanie, Langen, Nina & Bienge, Katrin (2021): Assessing the impact of individual nutrition on biodiversity: A conceptual framework for the selection of indicators targeted at the out-of-home catering sector. Ecological Indicators, 123, 107620. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107620

  • Krieger, Tim; Panke, Diana & Pregernig, Michael (eds) (2020): Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN: 978-1529202168. URL:
        Book review by Paul Bellamy in Journal of Human Security (DOI:
        Book review by Stephanie Martinez in World Medical and Health Policy (DOI:

  • Krieger, Tim; Panke, Diana & Pregernig, Michael (2020): Environmental and resource-related conflicts, migration and governance. In: Krieger, Tim; Panke, Diana; Pregernig, Michael (eds): Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press. pp. 1-15.

  • Hennchen, Benjamin & Pregernig, Michael (2020): Organizing Joint Practices in Urban Food Initiatives: A Comparative Analysis of Gardening, Cooking and Eating Together. Sustainability, 12, 4457. DOI: 10.3390/su12114457

  • Storch, Ilse, Penner, Johannes, Asbeck, Thomas, Basile, Marco, Bauhus, Jürgen, Braunisch, Veronika, Dormann, Carsten F., Frey, Julian, Gärtner, Stefanie, Hanewinkel, Marc, Koch, Barbara, Klein, Alexandra-Maria, Kuss, Thomas, Pregernig, Michael, Pyttel, Patrick, Reif, Albert, Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael, Segelbacher, Gernot, Schraml, Ulrich, Staab, Michael, Winkel, Georg & Yousefpour, Rasoul (2019): Evaluating the effectiveness of retention forestry to enhance biodiversity in production forests of Central Europe using an interdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. Ecology and Evolution, 10/3, 1489-1509. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6003

  • Peters, Dörte & Pregernig, Michael (2020): Lokales Wissen zu Natur und zu Landnutzung. In: Rhodius, Regina, Bachinger, Monika & Koch, Barbara (Hg.) Wildnis, Wald, Mensch: Forschungsbeiträge zur Entwicklung einer Nationalparkregion am Beispiel des Schwarzwaldes. München: oekom. 187-205.

  • Schanz, Heiner, Pregernig, Michael, Baldy, Jana, Sipple, David & Kruse, Sylvia (Hg.) (2020): Kommunen gestalten Ernährung: Neue Handlungsfelder nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung. Berlin: Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund. URL:

  • Nordbeck, Ralf; Löschner, Lukas; Pelaez Jara, Melani & Pregernig, Michael (2019): Exploring Science-Policy Interactions in a Technical Policy Field: Climate Change and Flood Risk Management in Austria, Southern Germany, and Switzerland. Water, 11/8, 1675. DOI: 10.3390/w11081675

  • Wolff, Franziska, Brohmann, Bettina, Fischer, Corinna, Grießhammer, Rainer, Gsell, Martin, Heyen, Dirk Arne, Jacob, Klaus, Graaf, Lisa, Pregernig, Michael, Espinosa, Cristina, Potthast, Thomas, Meisch, Simon, Kerr, Matthias, Richerzhagen, Carmen, Bauer, Steffen & Brandi, Clara (2019): Perspektiven für Umweltpolitik: Ansätze zum Umgang mit neuartigen Herausforderungen Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt. UBA-Texte 83/2019. URL:

  • Richerzhagen, Carmen; Bauer, Steffen; Espinosa, Cristina & Pregernig, Michael (2019): Entwicklungspolitisch sensible Umweltpolitik. Dessau-Roßlau: UBA-Texte 20/2019. Umweltbundesamt.


  • Espinosa, Cristina & Pregernig, Michael (2018): Narrative in der Umweltpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. politische ökologie, 152, 41-46.

  • Pregernig, Michael, Rhodius, Regina & Winkel, Georg (2018): Design Junctions in Real-World Laboratories: Analyzing Experiences Gained from the Project Knowledge Dialogue Northern Black Forest. GAIA, 27/S1, 32-38. DOI: 10.14512/gaia.27.S1.9

  • Rhodius, Regina & Pregernig, Michael (2018): Per 'Wissensmesse' zum Forschungsprogramm: Arbeitsphasen und Abstimmungsprozesse zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. In: Defila, Rico & Di Giulio, Antonietta (Hg.) Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen: Eine Methodensammlung. Wiesbaden: Springer. 163-194. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-21530-9_10

  • Espinosa, Cristina, Pregernig, Michael & Fischer, Corinna (2017): Narrative und Diskurse in der Umweltpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihrer strategischen Nutzung. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt. URL:

  • Hermann, Andrea Tony, Hogl, Karl & Pregernig, Michael (2016): Science-Policy Interactions in Austrian, Dutch, and Swiss Climate Policy: A Comparative Account. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 19/2, 168-182. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2016.1180238

  • Bauer, Anja, Pregernig, Michael & Reinecke, Sabine (2016): Enacting effective climate policy advice: Institutional strategies to foster saliency, credibility and legitimacy. Evidence & Policy, 12/3, 341-362. DOI: 10.1332/174426416X14712636744181

  • Feichtinger, Judith & Pregernig, Michael (2016): Beyond mandated participation: Dealing with hydro power in the context of the water framework directive. Environmental Policy and Governance, 26/5, 351-365. DOI: 10.1002/eet.1699

  • Mangelsdorf, Marion, Pregernig, Michael & Kuni, Verena (eds) (2016): (Bio-)Diversität, Geschlecht und Intersektionalität. Baden-Baden: Barbara Budrich. ISSN: 0948-9975

  • Mangelsdorf, Marion, Pregernig, Michael & Kuni, Verena (2016): (Bio-)Diversity, Gender, and Intersectionality. Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien, 22/2, 5-15. DOI: 10.3224/fzg.v22i2.27054

  • Rhodius, Regina, Bachinger, Monika, Pregernig, Michael & Koch, Barbara (2016): Co-design und co-production im Reallabor Wissensdialog Nordschwarzwald. GAIA, 25/2, 131-132. DOI: 10.14512/gaia.25.2.15

  • Rhodius, Regina, Pregernig, Michael & Koch, Barbara (2016): Herausforderungen transdisziplinären Arbeitens im Reallabor 'Wissensdialog Nordschwarzwald'. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis, 25/3, 19-25.

  • Hermann, Andrea Tony, Pregernig, Michael, Hogl, Karl & Bauer, Anja (2015): Cultural Imprints on Scientific Policy Advice: Climate  science–policy interactions within Austrian neo-corporatism. Environmental Policy and Governance, 25/5, 343-355. DOI: 10.1002/eet.1674

  • Osei-Tutu, Paul, Pregernig, Michael & Pokorny, Benno (2015): Interactions between Formal and Informal Institutions in Ghanaian Local Forest Contexts. Forest Policy and Economics, 54, 26-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2015.01.006

  • Pregernig, Michael (2014): Framings of science-policy interactions and their discursive and institutional effects: examples from conservation and environmental policy. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23/14, 3615-3639. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0806-3

  • Osei-Tutu, Paul, Pregernig, Michael & Pokorny, Benno (2014): Legitimacy of Informal Institutions in Contemporary Local Forest Management: Insights from Ghana. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23/14, 3587-3605. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0801-8

  • Freytag, Tim, Pregernig, Michael & Detten, Roderich von (2014): Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie: Disziplinoffene Perspektiven für Forschung und Lehre. SOZIALE TECHNIK, 2/2014, 11-14.

  • Bauer, Anja & Pregernig, Michael (2013): Whose look into the future? Participation in technology assessment and foresight. Critical Policy Studies, 7/1, 18-36. DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2012.745992

  • Reinecke, Sabine, Pistorius, Till & Pregernig, Michael (2014): UNFCCC and the REDD+ Partnership from a networked governance perspective. Environmental Science & Policy, 35, 30-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2012.09.015

  • Pregernig, Michael & Böcher, Michael (2013): The role of expertise in environmental governance: Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. In: Siebenhüner, Bernd, Arnold, Marlen, Eisenack, Klaus & Jacob, Klaus (eds) Long-Term Governance for Social-Ecological Change. London; New York: Routledge. pp. 29-46

  • Bauer, Anja & Pregernig, Michael (2012): Wissen für eine vorausschauende Politik: Der Umgang mit Unsicherheit in Strategischer Umweltprüfung, Technikfolgenabschätzung und Foresight. In: von Detten, Roderisch, Faber, Fenn & Bemmann, Martin (Hg.) Unberechenbare Umwelt: Zum Umgang Mit Unsicherheit und Nicht-Wissen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 121-155. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-94223-0-7

  • Pregernig, Michael; Hogl, Karl; Nordbeck, Ralf (2012): The Politics of Sustainability Evaluation: Analysis of Three Austrian Strategies for Sustainable Development. In: Sedlacko, Michal; Martinuzzi, André (eds): Governance by Evaluation for Sustainable Development: Institutional Capacities and Learning. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar. pp 21-44.

  • Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (eds) (2012): Environmental governance: The challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781849806077

  • Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (2012): Legitimacy and effectiveness of environmental governance: concepts and perspectives. In: Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (eds): Environmental governance: The challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar. pp. 1-26. DOI: 10.4337/9781849806077.00008

  • Pregernig, Michael; Böcher, Michael  (2012): Normative and analytical perspectives on the role of science and expertise in environmental governance. In: Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (eds): Environmental governance: The challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar. pp 199-219. DOI: 10.4337/9781849806077.00020

  • Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (2012): Effectiveness and legitimacy of environmental governance: synopsis of key insights. In: Hogl, Karl; Kvarda, Eva; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (eds): Environmental governance: The challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness. Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar. pp. 280-304. DOI: 10.4337/9781849802703.00024

  • Silvestrini, Alessandra; Monni, Suvi; Pregernig, Michael; Barbato, Anna; Dallemand, Jean-Francois; Croci, Edoardo; Raes, Frank (2010): The role of cities in achieving the EU targets on biofuels for transportation: The cases of Berlin, London, Milan and Helsinki. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44 (6), 403-417. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2010.03.014

  • Pregernig, Michael; Reinecke, Sabine (2010): Führungskompetenz in Nachhaltigkeitsfragen. Internationaler interdisziplinärer Master of Science "Environmental Governance" an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Soziologie. Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 39 (1), 51-56.

  • Hogl, Karl; Nordbeck, Ralf; Pregernig, Michael (2008): New Modes of Governance: Programmatic Rhetoric and Actual Practices. GAIA, 17/4, 399-401.

  • Pregernig, Michael (2007): Science-Policy Consultation as Boundary Spanning: the Interaction of Science and Politics in Two US Bioregional Assessments. In: Reynolds, Keith M.; Thomson, Alan J.; Köhl, Michael; Shannon, Margaret A., Rae, Duncan; Rennolls, Keith (eds): Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science. Wallingford: CABI Publishers. pp. 129-144. DOI: 10.1079/9781845931742.0129

  • Pregernig, Michael (2007): Wirkungsmessung transdisziplinärer Forschung: Es fehlt der Blick aus der Distanz. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives in Science, Humanities, and Economics, 16/1, 46-51.

  • Pregernig, Michael (2007): Zwischen Alibi und Aushandlung: Ein empirischer Blick auf die Interaktion zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik am Beispiel der österreichischen Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik. In: Krott, Max; Suda, Michael (Hg.): Macht, Wissenschaft, Politik? Erfahrungen aus der wissenschaftlichen Beratung im Politikfeld Wald und Umwelt Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. S. 43-79.

  • Pregernig, Michael (2006): Transdisciplinarity viewed from afar: science-policy assessments as forums for the creation of transdisciplinary knowledge. Science & Public Policy, 33/6, 445-455. DOI: 10.3152/147154306781778867

  • Hogl, Karl; Pregernig, Michael; Weiss, Gerhard (2005): What is New About New Forest Owners? A Typology of Private Forest Ownership in Austria. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy, 4/3, 325-342. DOI: 10.1007/s11842-005-0020-y

  • Feichtinger, Judith; Pregernig, Michael (2005): Participation And/Or/Versus Sustainability? Tensions Between Procedural and Substantive Goals in Two Local Agenda 21 Processes in Sweden and Austria. European Environment, 15/4, 212-227. DOI: 10.1002/eet.386

  • Feichtinger, Judith; Pregernig, Michael (2005): Imagined Citizens and Participation: Local Agenda 21 in two communities in Sweden and Austria. Local Environment, 10/3, 229-242. DOI: 10.1080/13549830500075503

  • Pregernig, Michael (2005): Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung als kultur­gebundene Grenzarbeit: Vergleich der Interaktionsmuster in den USA und Österreich. In: Bogner, Alexander; Torgersen, Helge (Hg.): Wozu Experten? Ambivalenzen der Beziehung von Wissenschaft und Politik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. S. 267-290.

  • Pregernig, Michael (2005): Biodiversity in national forest and environmental policy. In: Geburek, Thomas; Turok, Josef (eds): Conservation and Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe. Zvolen: Arbora Publishers. pp. 13-32.

  • Hogl, Karl; Pregernig, Michael (2002): Forest policy research in small countries: between (national) politics and (international) science. In: Biro, Yves; Buttoud, Gerard; Flies, Robert; Hogl, Karl; Pregernig, Michael; Päivinnen, Risto; Tikkanen, Ilpo; Krott, Max: Voicing interests and concerns: institutional framework and agencies for forest policy research in Europe. Forest Policy and Economics, 4/4, 343-347. DOI: 10.1016/S1389-9341(02)00076-X

  • Pregernig, Michael (2002): Perceptions, Not Facts: How Forestry Professionals Decide on the Restoration of Degraded Forest Ecosystems. Journal of Envi­ronmental Planning and Management, 45/1, 25-38. DOI: 10.1080/09640560120100178

  • Pregernig, Michael (2001): Values of forestry professionals and their implica­tions for the applicability of policy instruments. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 16/3, 278‑288. DOI: 10.1080/02827580120186

  • Pregernig, Michael (2000): Putting science into practice: The diffusion of scien­tific knowledge exemplified by the “Austrian Research Initiative Against Forest Decline”. Forest Policy and Economics, 1/2, 165-176. DOI: 10.1016/S1389-9341(99)00008-z

  • Pregernig, Michael (1999): Die Akzeptanz wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. Determinanten der Umsetzung wissenschaftlichen Wissens am Beispiel der österreichischen ‚Forschungsinitiative gegen das Waldsterben’. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Lang.


Link to a detailled publication list in the research database FreiDok plus of Freiburg University.

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Courses Taught

  • "Sustainability and Governance" (MEG, Core Module)
  • "Human-Environmental Interactions" (MEG, Core Module)
  • "Ecosystem Management" (MEG, Elective Module)
  • "Environmental Psychology and Sociology" (MEG, Core Module)
  • "Environmental Conflict Management and Participation" (MEG, Core Module)
  • "Governance of Environment and Natural Resources" (Bsc Environmental Natural Sciences; Track: Environmental Social Sciences)


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PhD Supervision

  • Hennchen, Benjamin (2020): Local Food Systems as Fields of Practice and Knowledge: Analysis of Work in Professional Kitchens and the Organization of Urban Food Initiatives. PhD thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Supervisor)

  • Gorricho, Julia (2018): Protected Areas Governance: Key to Advancing Conservation in the Midst of Armed Conflict - The cases of Alto Fragua Indiwasi National Park and La Planada Nature Reserve in Colombia. PhD thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Supervisor)

  • Sturm, Cindy (2018): Klimapolitik in der Stadtentwicklung: Zwischen diskursiven Leitvorstellungen und politischer Handlungspraxis. Dissertation an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Co-supervisor)

  • Hermann, Andrea Tony (2017): Cultural Imprints on Science-Policy Arenas and Science-Media Interactions in the Context of Climate Policy. PhD Thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Co-supervisor)

  • Reinecke, Sabine (2015): Governing the climate across the science-state-society divide: Experiences from the REDD+ Partnership and climate services. PhD Thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Supervisor)

  • Espinosa, Maria Cristina (2015): Apart from Nature or a Part of Nature? Discourse Analyses of the Politics of Redefining the Relationship between Humans and Nature. PhD Thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Supervisor)

  • Bauer, Anja (2015): Thinking in the Long-Term: Anticipatory Policy Advice in Strategic Environmental Assessment, Technology Assessment, and Foresight. PhD Thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Supervisor)

  • Osei Tutu, Paul (2015): Local Forest Management Institutions in Ghana: Interactions, Legitimacy and Compliance. PhD Thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Supervisor)

  • Hauber, Jürgen S. (2013): Zur Ökonomik von Bereitstellungsketten: Die Marktpraktiken des Tausches in marktsoziologischen Theorien und eine Fallstudie zur Bereitstellung von Bioenergie. PhD thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (Co-supervisor)

  • Feichtinger, Judith (2013): Politischer Wandel im Gewässermanagement: Die Implementation der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie im Spannungsfeld von Wasserkraft und Gewässerschutz in Österreich und Bayern. Dissertation an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. (Supervisor)

  • Uprety, Hima Devi (2011): Street-level Bureaucrats in Community Forestry Policy Implementation: A Case Study from Nepal. PhD thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Supervisor)

  • Helgenberger, Sebastian (2010): The capacity of business organizations to respond to the short-term and long-term impacts of climate change: Case studies on the Alpine winter tourism industry in Austria. PhD thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Supervisor)

  • Renner, Renate (2010): How Do Networks Matter? Implementation of the Innovative Practice of Care Farming in Austria and the Netherlands. PhD thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Supervisor)

  • Bitterling, Urs (2010): Coordination and the Politics of Climate Protection. The contribution of six Austrian climate protection measures to a more coherent climate policy. PhD thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. (Supervisor)


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Curriculum Vitae 


Stages of the professional-scientific activities


Since 2021:


 Since 2019:


Since 2019:

  • Chairman of the Examination Board of the BSc programs of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

2009-2015 and since 2019:



  • Co-Speaker of the University’s Profile Field "Environment and Sustainability"

Since 3/2016:

  • Professor of Sustainability Governance at the Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg


  • Co-speaker of the Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography


  • Temporary replacement professorship with full responsibilities (Vertretungsprofessur, until 2015) and guest professorship (2015-2016) at the Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg



  • Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) in „Environmental and natural resource policy“ at BOKU



  • Assistant Professor (“Universitätsassistent”) at InFER (formerly: Institute of Forest Sector Policy and Economics), BOKU



Researcher at the Institute of Forest Sector Policy and Economics, BOKU


Stages of the academic education



  •  PdD studies at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)


  • Studying Forestry with a focus on environmental and natural resource policy at BOKU




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