Prof. Dr. Philipp Späth
Chair of Sustainability Governance
Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D-79106 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 203 3725
Telefax: 0761 203 3729
Office hours: by appointment
Research Interests | Courses Taught | Professional Experience | Education | Avocational Activities | Selected Research Projects | Publications | PhD Supervision
Research Interests
- (Urban) Environmental Governance
- Transformation of energy, mobility and food systems
- Regional and municipal energy, climate and transport policies
- Multi-level governance
- Smart City initiatives
- Coordination through guiding visions
- Methods of transdisciplinary research
Courses Taught
- Technology Assessment
- Urban Sustainability Transitions
Professional Experience
Since 2015
Head of research group "Urban Environmental Governance"
Research and Teaching on the subject of "Environmental Governance"
- Project coordination (National, EU)
Lecturing at the Universities of Klagenfurt und Graz
Projectcoordinatior and Director
Alternative national service
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg
Habilitation; Venia Legendi: Environmental Governance and Urban Studies
Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt
PhD in Philosophy (Science and Technology Study)
Dissertation Topic: "New Forms of Governance forshaping socio-technical change"
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg
1993 - 1994
- Freie Universität, Berlin
Studies in Political Science and Geography
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg
Studies in Political Science and Geography
Avocational activities (selection)
2012 - 2017
GartenCoop Freiburg (a Community Supported Agriculture initiative in the Freiburg region)Active member (legal affairs working group), "Vorstand" (Formal representative) since 2014
2010 - 2016
Genova Wohngenossenschaft Vauban eGMember of the advisory board
2010 - 2011
City of Freiburg, Environmental Protection AgencyMember of the council for the CHP Program
2000 - 2002
Freiburg City Council Committee for Environmental issues
serving as nominated citizen consultant
1998 - 2001
- Local Agenda 21 in Freiburg
Initiation and coordination of a working group on Energy
1994 - 1997
Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft (now: InWent.Org/Giz)Scholarship holder and Employee in the ASA Program
Selected research projects
- ReSET - Reconfiguring Energy for Social Equity
- UrbanA - Arenas for sustainable and just cities (2019-2021)
- KNOWING - The knowledge politics of smart urbanism (2016-2019)
- Socio-ecological transformation of the food-system (2017-2019)
- Smart Eco Cities – Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung in Europa und China (2015-2018)
- Nachhaltige Energie der Zukunft: Soziotechnische Zukunftsbilder und Transformationspfade für das österreichische Energiesystem (2009 - 2010)
- Climate Change in Murau: Mit abgestimmten und robusten Maßnahmen Klima und Bevölkerung bestmöglich schützen (2008 - 2009, Projektleiter)
- Die Gestaltung technischen Wandels in Energieregionen durch Leitbilder - Ein Weg zu nachhaltigen Energiesystemen (LeitER, 2004-2007, Projektleiter)
- Integration durch Kooperation: Chancen zur Netzintegration dezentraler Stromerzeugung (InteKoop, 2005-2007, Projektleiter)
- DG GRID - EU Projekt zu dezentraler Stromerzeugung und Regulierung (DG-Grid, 2005-2007, Projektleiter für den österreichischen Beitrag)
- Bioenergy's Role in the EU Energy Market (Bio-Energy, 2003-2004)
- Transition zu nachhaltigen Produktionssystemen mittels Szenarien-Prozessen (Transition, 2003-2005, Projektleiter)
Publications (selection)
- Urban governance arrangements for sustainability and justice – linking theory with experience. Jakob Kramer, Sophia Silverton, Philipp Späth; Urban Transformations 6(1):6 (2024).
- Transformative or incumbent futures? How the future of mobility is imagined in sustainability transitions research; Tom Hawxwell, Abe Hendriks, Philipp Späth; Futures 159 (2024).
- de Hoop, E., Boon, W., van Oers, L., Smith, A., Späth, P., and R. Raven (2022). "Deliberating the knowledge politics of smart urbanism". Urban Transformations 4(6).
Späth, P. and J. Knieling (2020). "How EU-funded Smart City experiments influence modes of planning for mobility: observations from Hamburg." Urban Transformations 2(1): 2-19.
Oers, L. v., S. Marvin, P. Späth, R. Raven, E. d. Hoop and E. Jolivet (2020). "The politics of smart aspirations: interrogating the knowledge claims of smart mobility." futures 122.
Jensen, J. S., Cashmore, M. & Späth, P. (2019). "Politics of Urban Sustainability Transitions: Knowledge, Power and Governance", Abingdon: Routledge.
Mischkowski, N. S. and P. Späth(2019). "The Role of Companies-in-Movements in Regional Sustainability Transitions - A case study on the Economy for the Common Good in South Tyrol " ZfwU 2019(3): 376-405.
De Hoop, E., van Oers, L., Becker, S., Macrorie, R., Spaeth, P., Astola, M., Boon, W. (2019): “Smart as a global vision? Exploring smart in local district development projects”, Architecture and Culture 7(2), 1-19.
Raven, R., Sengers, F., Spaeth, P., Xie, L., Cheshmehzangi, A., & de Jong, M. (2019). Urban experimentation and institutional arrangements. European Planning Studies, 27(2), 258-281.
Späth, P. & Knieling, J. (2019). "Smart City Experimentation in Urban Mobility – Exploring the Politics of Futuring in Hamburg". In: A. Lösch, A. Grunwald, M. Meister and I. Schulz-Schaeffer. Socio-technical futures shaping the present - Empirical examples and analytical challenges;Heidelberg: Springer VS; pp. 161-185.
Späth, P. & Knieling, J. (2018). "Endlich Smart-City-Leuchtturm: Auswirkungen des EU-Projektes mySMARTLife auf die Planungspraxis in Hamburg". In: S. Bauriedl and A. S. (Hg.). Smart City - Digitale Technologien, Raumproduktion, Intervention, Transcript-Verlag; S. 345-356.
Arifi, B. & Späth, P. (2018). "Sleeping on coal: trajectories of promoting and opposing a lignite-fired power plant in Kosovo." Energy Research & Social Science 41: 118-127.
Giurca, A. & Späth, P. (2017). "A forest-based bioeconomy for Germany? Strengths, weaknesses and policy options for lignocellulosic biorefineries." Journal of cleaner Production (153): 51-62.
“Global challengers can be local incumbents: About the district heating system in Freiburg”, Invited presentation at the Workshop on „Incumbent-challenger dynamics in energy transitions: Governmental challenges”, Free University Berlin (FFU) and Helmholtz Alliance “Energy-Trans”, Berlin, 18.September 2015.
Hodson, M., Marvin, S. & Späth, P. (in print). "Subnational, Inter-scalar Dynamics: The Differentiated Geographies of Governing Low Carbon Transitions - With Examples from the UK". In: H. G. Brauch, Ú. O. Spring, J. Grin and J. Scheffran. Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace (STSP) New York, Springer.
Späth, P. & Rohracher, H. (2014). "Cities and socio-technical change - Dynamics at an urban junction of heat infrastructure and building standards." Energy Policy 78: 273-280. -
Späth, P. & Rohracher, H. (2014). "Beyond Localism: The Spatial Scale and Scaling in Energy Transitions". In: F. J. G. Padt, P. F. M. Opdam, N. B. P. Polman and C. J. A. M. Termeer. Scale-sensitive Governance of the Environment. Oxford, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 106-121.
Rohracher, H. & Späth, P. (2014). "The Interplay of Urban Energy Policy and Socio-technical Transitions: The Eco-cities of Graz and Freiburg in Retrospect." Urban Studies 51 (7): 1415–1431.
Späth, P. (2012). "Understanding the social dynamics of Energy Regions - The importance of discourse analysis." sustainability (4): 1256-1273. Url:
Späth, P. and Rohracher, H. (2012). "Local demonstrations for global transitions - Dynamics across Governance Levels Fostering Socio-Technical Regime Change Towards Sustainability." European Planning Studies 20(3).
Späth, P. and Rohracher, H. (2011). „‘Eco-Cities’ and the social dynamics of urban climate policies and energy transitions “. In: Bulkeley, H., Broto, V.C., Hodson, M. and Marvin, S.: “Cities and low carbon transitions”, Routledge. pp: 88-106.
Rohracher, H., Schreuer, A. et al. (2011). E-Trans 2050 - Nachhaltige Energie der Zukunft: Soziotechnische Zukunftsbilder und Transformationspfade für das österreichische Energiesystem. Graz & Wien.
Späth, P./ Rohracher, H. (2010). "‘Energy Regions’: The transformative power of regional discourses on socio-technical futures." Research Policy 39(4): 449–458.
Späth, P. (2010). Aus transdisziplinären Projekten lernen: Potentiale interner ex post Evaluationen anhand einfacher Leitfragen. Technology Governance. Der Beitrag der Technikfolgenabschätzung. G. Aichholzer, A. Bora, S. Bröchler, M. Decker und M. Latzer. Berlin, edition sigma: 353 - 360.
Schreuer, A., Rohracher, H. Späth, P. (2010). "Introduction - Transforming the energy system: the role of institutions, interests and ideas." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (6 (Special issue edited by Schreuer, A.; Rohracher, H. & Späth, P.): 649 — 652.
PhD supervision
Bleta Arifi: “Objects and subjects of dissent: Analyzing opposition to wind and coal based energy infrastructures in Germany and Kosovo”.
Chelsea Tschoerner: “Sustainable Mobility in City Regions - Exploring the Role of Discourse in Institutional Change”.